NJ6N’s Amateur Radio & Electronics Blog

  • Tait T855 Rx & T856 Tx module setup

    Tait T855 Rx & T856 Tx module setup

    Our high-level 440 and 220 repeaters on Santiago peak use modular rack-mounted Tait radios. Our 440 band repeater uses a T855-20 series 1 module for receive and a T856-20 module for transmit. The transmitter is capable of 25 watts or better, but we have configured it for 10 watts output to drive an external TPL…

  • Digital Voltmeter/ Ammeter

    Digital Voltmeter/ Ammeter

    I found some small, inexpensive digital voltmeter/ammeter panel displays recently and thought it would be nice to have an inexpensive inline meter that I could use to measure various devices. I designed a case and by version 3, I think I’ve got a nice little gadget. The connectors on the back of the meter module…

  • External PL control for VXR-5000V/RLC Club Repeater

    External PL control for VXR-5000V/RLC Club Repeater

    A few years ago, I upgraded SOARAs primary VHF repeater at our Temple Hill site to a “new to us” Yaesu/Vertex VXR-5000R repeater. The new VXR-5000V repeater features an internal CTCSS decoder and encoder and a basic repeater controller. Around the same time, I replaced the half-duplex GM-380 link radio with a pair of Motorola…

  • Using a TNC to send an APRS Beacon

    Using a TNC to send an APRS Beacon

    It’s SOARAs 50th Anniversary and I wanted to send out a Beacon on APRS to let folks know about our special operating event at Gilleran Park in Mission Viejo on May 18th and 19th, 2024. There are many ways to do this and I chose to use a Kantronics KPC3+ TNC and handie-talkie. Most TNCs…

  • All-In-One-Cable Interface with svxLink

    All-In-One-Cable Interface with svxLink

    I recently saw a video by Hayden, VK7HH on his Ham Radio DX Youtube channel about a new “All In One Cable” (AIOC) computer <=> radio interface. I found a HackADay article about it that was very interesting as well. The AIOC is an STM32 based microcontroller that emulates a sound card and provides a…

  • Kenwood RC-D710

    Kenwood RC-D710

    A long time ago, 2009 or so, Ham Radio Outlet was offering the RC-D710 control head and TNC for a very reasonable price. This is the identical control head used on the Kenwood TM-D710 mobile transceiver. It includes a built-in Terminal Node Controller (TNC) and APRS software. I bought one thinking I could use it…

  • Fun with Meshtastic®

    Fun with Meshtastic®

    “Meshtastic® is a project that enables you to use inexpensive LoRa radios as a long range off-grid communication platform in areas without existing or reliable communications infrastructure. This project is 100% community driven and open source!” I’m not sure where I first heard about this new technology called LoRa or “Long Range” and Meshtastic but…

  • mini USB Power Box

    mini USB Power Box

    portable USB power from 12VDC Recently, my brother told me about a problem he had with a USB power adapter that was causing a lot of RFI on VHF in his mobile setup. It’s not hard to imagine how inexpensive 12V to USB adapters could cut corners and cause interference. I found some higher quality…

  • Raspberry Pi Pico W

    Raspberry Pi Pico W

    Background I’ve built a few projects in the past using the Arduino platform. Arduino uses a variant of the C++ programming language which works well for microcontroller projects. I built my Ham Clock using a version of the Espressif ESP8266 from Adafruit called the “Feather HUZZAH” and became interested in this platform as well. The…

  • Adding Five-Band LPF to the U3S

    Adding Five-Band LPF to the U3S

    Some time ago I build the Ultimate 3S QRSS/WSPR transmitter from QRP Labs. It came with one low pass filter. I chose the 10meter LPF because I was originally thinking of using the beacon transmitter for the SOARA K6LLL 10 meter CW beacon and the U3S is a great fit for that job. Once I…

Got any book recommendations?