I’ve designed and built several different Anderson PowerPole distribution boxes over the years. Recently I found a design by KM6RW on Thingiverse for a “Decora” style PowerPole distribution panel that fits into a standard electrical outlet box. It can be installed in the wall or on the surface.
I sliced the STL using Cura and printed one in a couple of hours.
I decided to mount it on the surface but did not have a slim size surface mount electrical box to use. So, I designed one to use with this neat 6-connector PowerPole distribution panel. I made the walls only 2mm thick which turned out to be a little weak, but acceptable. I added a single hole for the external power cable with inline fuse holder.

Updated Version
The first version was perfectly functional but there were some things I wanted to improve upon.
I’ve since redesigned the box with thicker 3mm walls to make it a lot sturdier and added a keyed slot to install a PowerPole connector and a hole for a round style fuse holder for the power supply. It makes the entire assembly much more compact.

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