Some time ago, I bought all of the parts to build a HamClock. Ed, WA6ED mentioned this project on the 40 meter net a while back. I finally got around to building mine in September, 2020.
HamClock runs on Linux (Raspberry Pi, single board computers), or Arduino platforms. The Arduino version was written for an ESPressif ESP8266 Arduino board from Adafruit called “Huzzah Feather” that has a built-in Wifi module.
The display is a 7″ 800×480 pixel, 40 pin TFT Touch Display with an RA8875 Driver board that handles display refresh to lower CPU requirements.
More information about the project can be found here:
I mounted the Adafruit Feather Huzzah board, display driver, and a flat cellphone battery to the back of the display and designed a 3D printed case for it.

In November, 2024, I redesigned my HamClock case with better fasteners for the display and to hold the back cover on. I swapped out the pushbutton for a slide switch that’s used when you operate with a battery.
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