I have one primary HF antenna, a Hustler 6BTV (6 band trap vertical). I was using an Alpha Delta 4-port coax switch to switch the antenna between my K3, K2, and coax that I use on the workbench. This morning when I listened for the SOARA 40 meter net, signals were very weak. SWR was very high when I tried to transmit. I removed the switch and replaced the K3 position with a SO239 barrel connector and that resolved the problem.
I used a digital VOM to test the ports on the switch and found ports 3 and 4 (K3 and K2) to be shorted out while activated! After opening up the switch, I found out why.
The busbar that provides grounding for ports that are not activated was higher on the port 3&4 side than the port 1&2 side. This was caused by the screw and washer that were supposed to hold the bar down being located too far away to engage the bar. A manufacturing defect.

I attempted to email the company but both of the email addresses they list on their web site are no longer valid.
Buyer beware! If you have a Delta4, you might want to take a look inside to see how it is constructed and make sure it doesn’t have this defect.
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